“Doctoral Academic Discussion” Salon Held by 2020 Ph.D. Students

Ph.D. students of 2020 held a salon named “Doctoral Academic Discussion“ in the meeting room No. 1237 of School of Civil Engineering in Jiuli Campus, in the afternoon of December 17, 2020. Retired Professor Liu Ronghan, as the guest speaker, at the invitation of the student counsellor Shang Yao, had a cordial talk with students in person.


The activity was hosted by the monitor Huang Yangquan and the Party Chief Tong Xinhao.

Professor Liu Ronghan, also known as “Shangu Senior” and “Bashan Old Man”, is now 82 years old. He used to be the vice president and deputy secretary of CPC of E’mei Campus. He has been engaged in philosophy teaching as well as research for a long time. After retirement, he has studied calligraphy teaching and research carefully. Now, he is a national first-level master of art and his personal artistic achievements have been recorded in books such asCollection of Reputed Calligraphy Works in Ancient and Modern Times,Biography of Cross-century Painting and Calligraphy Art Talents,Century Dedication of Chinese Talents, and21 Century Talent Pool.

Professor Liu delivered a wonderful speech to all the students who participated in this salon with the theme of “looking forward the far and adhering to the original whether wealthy or not”. Professor Liu shared his life experience from his years of research and teaching in philosophy and administrative work. He thought the top priority for Ph. D. students is to be determined and they should serve the needs of national and social development instead of studying only for the sake of employment. Mr. Liu also explained the development status of our school in recent years and pointed out some shortcomings. Also, he encouraged all to be proactive and strive to realize the construction of “Double First-class” university.


After professor Liu gave the lecture, the students also asked questions enthusiastically, for example, how PhD. students should integrate their current research with future life planning, and professor Liu with great patience gave his suggestions on how Ph. D. students can be more closely integrated with the development of the university.


In the two-hour salon, professor Liu set a good example for all the students with his overall view of pioneering and enterprising and his outlook on life with hardship. Everyone said that they were motivated by Liu’s lecture and they would certainly apply his philosophy of life to their personal growth. After this activity, the students will certainly go on the road of scientific research, study and life in the future more confidently.

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